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Business Management


[CPA Study Group] Professional Career Development Seminar - CPA in the U.S. / Wed. Nov. 30th at 12:30PM

Writer Business Management Date Created 2022.11.16 Hits174

[Professional Career Development Seminar - CPA in the U.S.]

  • Date: Wednesday, November 30th
  • Time: 12:30PM
  • Location: @B205
  • Lunch will be provided!


The speaker, Mr. Jayden Park, is a Certified Accountant in the U.S. working in Los Angeles, CA. 

He was an international student in the U.S., prepared for an AICPA exam, and started to work at a local accounting firm with an OPT. Now, he is a full-time accountant and will give a talk on how he prepared for the exam, found his career ways to work as an international student. This session would be specifically helpful for those of you who are planning to work in the U.S. with an OPT.


If you are able to attend the seminar, please make sure to submit the RSVP by Monday, November 28th.