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SUNY Korea was featured on the special edition of the University News …
President Wonki Min shares his view on higher education and SUNY Korea; Department Chairs discuss the advantages of each department and outlook for prospective jobs for graduates; Dean of Student Affairs explains SUNY Korea’s special holistic education; alumni interviews and much more. There are also tips for prospective students on the admissions system and advise from Department Chairs. Click the link below to read the interactive articles and click on the pictures to watch the interviews. English: Korean:
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New Freshman student at SUNY Korea’s Computer Science Department featu…
New Freshman student at SUNY Korea’s Computer Science Department featured on Naeil Education “Yearning for a more systematic curriculum after years of teaching myself, I found SUNY Korea to guide my Computer Science studies” Kyung Kook Lee’s family had set his life for him: he would win the Korean Mathematical Olympiad in elementary school, attend a Science High School for the Talented, and enter the medical field to become a pharmacist. However, he fell in love with computer language from a young age and taught himself how to code for years. Although disappointed at first, his parents eventually decided it would be best for Kyung Kook to decide the field of study himself. As he continued with self-learning, he felt a great desire to officially learn computer science. He achieved his dream of wanting to study at an American university by entering the Stony Brook University (SBU) in SUNY Korea in September this year. A fifth-grade kid who fell in love with coding after teaching himself Because of the parents’ ambitious goals for the son, Kyung Kook had always returned home after 10PM everyday after Korean, English, math, science, violin, piano, and flute classes that he attended after school. He asked his mom to minimize these classes, which gave him more time to explore some of the computer languages, such as C-language, Java, and Python. “I became curious about the principles of score calculation while playing online games. I began to question the algorithm when I scored differently when punching with a fist and using a weapon,” he states. Kyung Kook was only allowed enroll himself in online classes and study groups because of his parents’ opposition for him to officially study computer science. However, this did not stop him as he continued studying computer science to deepen his knowledge. Parents who wished their son to enter the medical field vs A kid who wishes to study computer science Kyung Kook is a graduate from Songdo High School, a high school that highly emphasizes the study of the sciences. Although he was not part of the science-focus class, he was in a creative convergence class that puts math and science in the center of learning. From a young age, he was expected to inherit the pharmacy that his grandmother had been operating. He focused on studying math, chemistry, and life science to fulfill the expectations of his family members, but was not able to satisfy them with his relatively low grades for pharmacy school. No other subject was interesting to him as computer science. “I finally got permission to major in computer science as a senior in high school. So, I did not even apply to other Korean schools because my only goal was to attend SUNY Korea,” he remembers. “I believe SBU, SUNY Korea is the place where I can learn computer science best, and the Department of Computer Science will be a stepping stone to grow big in the future at the global level” The path to study and work in the United States Until the recent global pandemic, the original plan for Kyung Kook was to physically go study abroad in America, the center of IT industry. However, he thought it was better to stay in Korea for it offers the equivalent education as the home campus in New York and gives him the opportunity to study at the Stony Brook New York Campus for 2 semesters. Noting that graduates from SUNY Korea have received job offers from America in corporates such as Google and Amazon, and have gone to pursue further education by studying at prestigious graduate schools such as UC Berkeley and Columbia University, he decided SBU SUNY Korea would be the best choice for him. Reading about these alumni have given Kyung Kook a positive outlook to studying at SUNY Korea. He also found SUNY Korea advantageous over other universities for undergraduates also have the opportunity research with graduate students as well as receive education from professors who have served as Microsoft’s software engineer for over a decade, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology’s analyst for natural language and medical images, and Apple’s software developer. An opportunity to pursue higher education Because SUNY Korea reviews all documents holistically, Kyung Kook took this to his advantage. He states there wasn’t much extracurricular activities documented in his school records because the records primarily focus on activities that are centered around projects hosted by the school. Because Kyung Kook taught himself how to code, created his own computer coding club, and participated in drone competitions outside of school, none of these were recorded. However, he was able to freely discuss these activities in his personal essay in the SUNY Korea application. He also took the time to take an English proficiency test after the College Scholastic Ability Test and asked for a letter of recommendation from the teacher who knew him best. He took SUNY Korea’s holistically review process as an opportunity to show his passion towards computer science. As Kyung Kook begins his undergrad studies as a Computer Science major this fall, he hopes to receive education from a well-established curriculum from a prestigious research university, Stony Brook University at SUNY Korea. Read the full article: https://naeiledu.co.kr/29793
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2021 IGC Career Fair - Alumni Festival
Dear Students, Are you curious about where our IGC graduates are? Or the work they do? We are most pleased to announce to you the 2021 IGC Career Fair - Alumni Festival on Saturday, September 11 from 10 AM to 5PM. On this day, we invite all IGC students to explore the IGC's first metaverse platform - Gather Town! In this career fair event, you will spend a full day with sixteen of our brightest and most successful IGC alumni who are working professionally both in Korea and in the U.S, and in the nation's most renowned graduate schools. You will gain first-hand information and practical advice regarding various career paths, and a meaningful session networking with our proud IGC alumni base. What's more exciting? Through this event, you will enjoy an exclusive opportunity to have your resume and cover letter critiqued by one of five professional consultants + plus a chance to sit in at the information seminars by promising graduate schools! You are cordially invited to a full day of inspiration and rapport-building with IGC alumni! RSVP is necessary so register now, have your laptop and CV handy and join in for one-of-a-kind experiences. For complete speaker information, please refer to the poster and the attachment. • Event: 2021 IGC Career Fair - IGC Alumni Festival • Participants: All IGC students • Date: Saturday, September 11 *Mark Time & Date on the Calendar Now!* • Time: 10-12pm / 1-5pm • Venue: via Gather Town (Online Metaverse Platform) •RSVP Click Here to RSVP by (RSVP Deadline: Friday, September 10, 11:59pm) •Confirmed Alumni Speakers List º Samsung Electro-Mechanics º Abbott Diagnostics Korea (Demand Planning Analyst) º Coupang (HR) º AFY International (Fashion Graphic Designer) º United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) (Administrative Assistant) º Deloitte Anjin LLC (Business Analyst) º SK Bio (Accountant) º Phillips Korea (Marketing Intern) º MediMab Bio (Researcher) º Center for Medical Innovation Asia (Administrative Coordinator) º GUGC Plant Biotechnology Research Center (Research Assistant) º Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology Master's program) º Yonsei Graduate School of International Studies (Master's program) º KAIST Graduate School (Ph.D program: Management of Technology)
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2021 Intensive English Teacher Program has come to an end
2021 Intensive English Teacher Program (commissioned by East Asia Global Education Institute of Incheon Metropolitan City Office of Education) successfully ended on August 20. The teachers shared what they achieved, and all the participants celebrated the successful completion of their training on the last day. Throughout the program, the teachers and the mentors worked very hard to achieve educational values of community-based learning (CBL) including communication, partnership, collaboration, decision-making, and school culture in their lesson development. *CBL aims to connect what is learnt in classrooms to communities including local institutions, history, heritage, cultures, languages, and natural environments. The program was the very first official training opportunity for teachers since the Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education introduced a new curriculum called Village-Resource Linked Education as part of East Asian Citizenship Education.
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[What To Do During COVID- 19? #3]Book Recommendations by DTS Professor
“I really encourage you to be curious students to be curious to learn new things and also kind of go out of your comfort zone sometimes I think that's where we're really going to learn the most. Read anything good.” - Professor Sira Maliphol Are you looking for meaningful ways to spend time as COVID-19 is ongoing? SUNY Korea DTS Department Professor Sira Maliphol shared three favorite books on his shelf. *Click here to watch to video
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Master's Program in Statistics
Master’s Program in Statistics The Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (AMS) at the State University of New York, Korea (SUNY Korea) invites applications for the MS program in Statistics. Programs BS/MS Accelerated Program - BS and MS degrees in five years MS Program - MS degree in one and a half or two years Funding We are committed to making your graduate education affordable. We offer scholarships and assistantships (e.g., tuition waiver, stipend) to most of our students. More details http://ams.sunykorea.ac.kr/graduate/graduate-program Contact Prof. Myoungshic Jhun (Dept. Chair) - myoungshic.jhun@stonybrook.edu Ms. YounJu Baek (Coordinator) - younju.baek@sunykorea.ac.kr
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more SUNY Korea FIT is featured on the Japanese Magazine Ginza
SUNY Korea FIT was referred to in the Japanese Magazine, Ginza as an institution that provides new options for students studying fashion in Asia. Students studying at SUNY Korea can experience Korean culture, while learning fashion through the FIT programs. After graduation, there are also opportunities for students to study in New York and Italy.
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Class format in Fall 2021
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff, I hope you are all safe and healthy as we approach the latter part of the semester. We still remain at Government Social Distance level 4. Taking various important factors into consideration, we have decided to continue the current mode of instruction for the remainder of the semester. All of our current Covid-19 restrictions on campus gatherings remain the same. Any changes will be announced when available. Our buildings are open for students to use for individual or small group study sessions. Please follow best practices to protect against Covid-19 as you use the spaces. As we continue with online classes, please try to maximize your learning experience by interacting with your instructors and teaching assistants through their office hours. The university offices (advising, counseling, academic affairs, student affairs, etc.) are all open as usual, so try to get help as you need it. We all hope to have 100% in-person classes in Spring 2022 at the latest. Getting vaccinations will help us get there. So, I encourage you to get vaccinated when you get a chance. Please stay well and enjoy the rest of the semester. Sincerely, Arthur H. Lee Provost
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2021 Intensive English Teacher Program
2021 Intensive English Teacher Program (commissioned by East Asia Global Education Institute of Incheon Metropolitan City Office of Education) is taking place online from July 26 to August 6. 12 teachers who are teaching English in Incheon public middle and high schools are participating in this training program. With SUNY Korea DTS Professor Neal Dreamson as the director, the event is hosted by SUNY Korea to train teachers to expand their knowledge base in various areas of English as a second language. The program explores innovative teaching methods through a mentoring system that is led by three SUNY Korea faculty (Professor Andrew Lasher, Professor Timothy Adam Fletcher, and Professor Joseph Cabuay) and one other professor. The program also offers a series of forums with SUNY Korea international students, CMIS Canada teachers, IGC faculty, and a Myanmar refugee community.Moreover, four special lectures were delivered by three SUNY Korea professors (Professor Sira Maliphol, Professor Clovia Hamilton, and Professor Neal Dreamson) and one other professor. Throughout the program, the teachers are engaged with critical-pedagogical understanding of learner needs and instructional methods and strategies with the following four approaches: community-based learning, project-based learning, technology-integrated learning, and discussion-based learning. Furthermore, teachers in groups develop innovative teaching strategies by addressing issues in the 21st century learning skills known as the 4Cs: critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration, and reflecting four learner engagement aspects. The strategies are ensured to be directly applicable to their teaching and used by teaching colleagues with minimum assistance, and they will present the strategies on the last day of the program.
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Contest Opportunity: 2021 Student Entrepreneurship Festival
Check out the opportunity to receive mock investment money and invest funds in companies selected for the 2021 Student Entrepreneurship Festival (organized by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Information and Communication). Winning start-up teams will proceed to a Final Round of the K-Startup 2021Kindly review Zero Class Lab, Inc. as one of your prospective investment companies for the 2021 Student Entrepreneurship Festival! *Zero Class Lab, Inc., a start- up team founded by SUNY Korea’s proud alumni and students, has won a nomination for the Top 300 Promising Start- ups. Link: Click here <How to participate> - Join the Top 300 Promising Start-ups website - Write a visitor log - Receive your mock investment money - Proceed to invest your money in the 'most promising' company, amongst all 300 Top Promising Start-ups (Find Zero-Class Lab) <Event Prizes> MacBook Air, iPad Pro 5, Galaxy Tab S7+, Roborock S7, Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer
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Dr. Myung Oh aired on Industrial Broadcast Channel
Dr. Myung Oh, the Honorary President of SUNY Korea, was introduced in a documentary program (산업방송 채널 i) as a leading figure in constructing the infrastructure of the nation as a world-leading ICT powerhouse. Dr. Myung Oh, a leader who transforms the world, rewrote the Information and Communication chapter of Korean history as he developed TDX, a 4 mega-D Ram semiconductor, and a computerized system for the 1988 Olympics. Some other achievements of SUNY Korea’s Honorary President are successfully hosting the Taejon World Exposition and establishing Korea Railroad Research Institute and Incheon International Airport. *To watch the documentary: Click here
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[What To Do During COVID-19?] Three Recommendations by FIT Professor
“Toys are not really as innocent as they look. Toys and games are the prelude to serious ideas” – from “Power of Tens” Are you looking for meaningful ways to spend time while COVID-19 is ongoing? SUNY Korea FIT Professor Rachel Stuckey shared three of her favorite recommendations for all of you. *To watch the YouTube video: Click here
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