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Master's Program in Statistics​
Hits : 842 Registration Date : 2021-08-24 Author : Administrator

Master’s Program in Statistics

The Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (AMS) at the State University of New York, Korea (SUNY Korea) invites applications for the MS program in Statistics.




BS/MS Accelerated Program - BS and MS degrees in five years



MS Program - MS degree in one and a half or two years




We are committed to making your graduate education affordable. We offer scholarships and assistantships (e.g., tuition waiver, stipend) to most of our students.



More details





Prof. Myoungshic Jhun (Dept. Chair) - myoungshic.jhun@stonybrook.edu



Ms. YounJu Baek (Coordinator) - younju.baek@sunykorea.ac.kr




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