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Recent Achievement of SUNY Korea Start-up Company, Zero Class Lab​
Hits : 815 Registration Date : 2021-06-24 Author : Administrator

SUNY Korea start-up company Zero Class Lab was selected as one of the student start-up companies for “2020 promising start-up business 300” hosted by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF).


The technology of Zero Class Lab covers the automated management of the smart inventory system which allows for developing, manufacturing and producing goods using robotics, computer vision, machine learning and AI.

The technology has been upgraded from the former volume measurement program to an advanced program that enables the volume measurement by percentage.



Selected teams will go through further evaluation and receive intensive entrepreneurial education for the Start-up Festival in August.


Congratulations on your excellent achievement, and all the best for your future endeavors!


*Zero-Class Lab Website: www.zeroclasslab.com

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