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more SUNY Korea Appreciation Week- Thanksgiving in June​
Hits : 781 Registration Date : 2021-06-10 Author : Administrator

SUNY Korea Student Services Team and RA (Resident Assistant) Pop-Up Committee collaborated on SUNY Korea Appreciation Event & Thanksgiving in June.



* Appreciation Week

The Appreciation Week Event started on May 31 and ended on June 2. This event was to bring together the SUNY Korea Community and share what we appreciate and are thankful for. The visitors (students, faculty and staff) filled out a sticky note and pasted it on a shared board. The people who completed a note received a small goodie bag as a gift of appreciation.



* Thanksgiving in June

RA (Resident Assistant) Pop-Up Committee designed the event to provide students an opportunity to show respect and appreciation to their friends in the SUNY Korea community. SUNY Korea residents wrote thank you notes to their friends that they would like to appreciate. RAs sent the notes and a package to the recipient on behalf of the school.



The packages were issued on June 2nd under the Bill Hwang Library to promote social distancing. During campus lifetime, the RAs played requested music and displayed the colorful thank you notes on a huge poster while giving an opportunity to anyone who had not participated to write a thankful note and get a package. 



Student Services Team and RA Pop-Up Committee made the events inclusive by encouraging all 

people on-campus and off- campus were able to participate including students, faculty, and staff.

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