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SUNY Korea signed an MoU with IEGI
SUNY Korea signed an MoU with the Incheon East Asia Global Education Institute (IEGI) on Friday May 28th. The areas of cooperation include collaboration in multilingual education and participation in international education programs, and exchange of information and mutual development of both organizations. After the signing ceremony, a campus tour was provided for the visitors.
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[Event] SUNY Korea Kakao Channel Event with “ETS Korea”
Hello! This is SUNY Korea Admissions. Add our ‘SUNY Korea Admission’ Kakao Channel and get a chance to win a prize from ETS Korea! This is a great opportunity to prepare for the SUNY Korea application and the TOEFL Test at the same time, so we encourage your participation. - Event deadline: Friday, June 25th , 2021 - Target audience: Anyone who is interested in SUNY Korea - How: Add our ‘SUNY Korea Admission’ Kakao Channel and leave us a greeting message through the 1:1 chat. - Prizes: 2 TOEFL Vouchers, 4 Official Study Guides, TOEFL Sample Test Prep, etc.
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[Admission Event] Open House
SUNY Korea invites you to the Open House! Join us to learn more about our programs and have a chat with admission counselors. Schedule: Every other Thursday 15:00 – 17:00 KST (Korean:15:00 / English: 16:00) Registration Link: https://apply.sunykorea.ac.kr/portal/admissions_events You can view and choose which events to sign up for using the calendar at the bottom. Inquiries: admission@sunykorea.ac.kr | 032 626 1030 | http://pf.kakao.com/_MPKHK
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more [Admission Event] Korea Overseas Study Association (KOSA) campus visit
On May 18th, a campus visit by the Korea Overseas Study Association (KOSA) was held. KOSA is the only overseas study industry association in Korea, and it was established in 1980. 12 members of the Board of Directors of KOSA visited the campus of SUNY Korea and had a fruitful time discussing the academic curriculum and cooperative strategies. Additionally, Professor Jung Jae-man of FIT gave a special speech to introduce the academic curriculum of FIT. After that, through a campus tour, the facilities where students study were shown to the Board of Directors, who were visiting SUNY Korea for the first time. Kim Ki-dong, the Head of the KOSA Board members, said, “It was a great first step to many more discussions to come, and we are looking forward to it,” about the campus visit. This was the first official interaction between KOSA and SUNY Korea, so it was a great opportunity to discuss the future of SUNY Korea and the overseas study industry.
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Incheon High School Students Visit SUNY Korea
Forty students and two teachers from Incheon Songdo High School and forty seven students from Incheon Wondang High school visited SUNY Korea. Provided for the visitors was a SUNY Korea Information Session and a Campus Tour. Also, a special lecture on “Vision” by professor Terence Oliga was given to the students from Incheon Wondang High School. We sincerely hope the visit to SUNY Korea provided insight and motivation to the high school students.
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SUNY Korea Signs an MOU Agreement with Uway Apply
SUNY Korea signed an MOU agreement with Uway Apply on May 20th, 2021. WonKi Min, the president of SUNY Korea, declared, “We hope this agreement to be exemplary of the cooperation between Uway Apply and a university with great programs in its attempt for easier and quicker recruitment of capable students. Sung Yoon-Seok, the CEO of Uway Apply, stated, “With this MOU, we will continue to communicate by utilizing each other’s strength and expertise to ultimately open up admission opportunities for many prospective students.” Meanwhile, Stony Brook University is recruiting freshmen and transfer students for the Fall 2021 semester until July 16th, while the Fashion Institute of Technology will recruit its freshmen students until June 30th. To read the related articles: CSTimes: Click here Kmaeil: Click here Newsway: Click here
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Spring 2021 SBU Alumni Panel Event
Following the FIT Alumni Panel Event, the Spring 2021 SBU Alumni Panel Event was successfully held with 5 SUNY Korea SBU-graduated professionals. The alumni (Eunpyo Choi, Udara Silva, Ban Seok Koo, Phit Ahn, and Hanbin Baik) are working at globally renowned companies in the fields of strategy & planning, start-up and app development. Panel discussion and networking with current SBU and FIT students were done via zoom. After the event, in a survey by CDC (Career Development Center), 100% of attending students rated the Spring 2021 SBU Alumni Panel Event to be “Very helpful” for Career Preparation. Also, 100 % of attendees responded that the event “Quite Exceeded Expectations.”
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SUNY Korea Online Information Session for Koreans Overseas
SUNY Korea invites you to the SUNY Korea Online Information Session for Koreans Overseas. Join us to learn more about our programs and Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 admissions. 1. Schedule Session Time/Date Language 1st July 3 (Sat) 09:00 – 11:00 Korean 2nd July 3 (Sat) 16:00 – 18:00 2. Registration Link: https://apply.sunykorea.ac.kr/portal/admissions_events You can view and choose which events to sign up for using the calendar at the bottom. (Note: All times displayed are Korea Standard Time unless noted otherwise) Time zone converter >> 3. Inquiries: SUNY Korea Admissions (admission@sunykorea.ac.kr / 032 626 1030 / http://pf.kakao.com/_MPKHK )
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Spring 2021 FIT Alumni Panel Event
SUNY Korea FIT’s very first alumni networking event was held via zoom with special invitees: four SUNY Korea FIT alumni professionals. The event was organized by SUNY Korea CDC(Career Development Center) to provide networking opportunities for current students with professional FIT graduates who are working in the fields of fashion design, cosmetic vendors, and digital marketing. Yeeun Kim, Gayeon Hoh, Yoojin Choi, and Chaehee Lee shared their work experiences at the respective companies: Mulawear, Sophie Company, BDJ Solution, and Yigal Azrouel. The alumni shared various fields of interests, which included their personal career paths post-FIT. Please stay tuned for SUNY Korea’s future alumni networking events!
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more Brand Developer Sean Kim Shares His Career Journey
Spring 2021 Career Talk to You #2 was held via zoom with guest speaker Sean Kim. Esteemed Key brand developer and Asia Director of Business Development at Bluebell Group, Sean Kim shared his years of remarkable career journey and expertise in global retail markets to SUNY Korea students. After the event, 86% of the students in attendance rated the event to be “Very Helpful” for career preparation, and 100% of the attendees responded, “Very Likely to Attend Future Career Programs”. We hope many more students will be able to participate in future career events. Please stay tuned for Career Talk to You #3!
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[What To Do During COVID-19?] Book Recommendations by CS professor
"So it can be a difficult time going through the pandemic like we’re all in right now. However this is a great opportunity to be on the look out for how you can be a positive agent for change. So keep this in mind and try to see if there’s ways you can help others live better lives and help the world be a better place, whether in a small way or a big way. "- CS Professor Alex Kuhn Are you looking for meaningful ways to spend time as COVID-19 is ongoing? SUNY Korea CS Department Professor Alex Kuhn shared three favorite books on his shelf. To watch the YouTube video: Click here
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Application Deadline of SUNY Korea FIT Programs for Fall 2021 Extended
SUNY Korea Admissions announces that the application deadline of SUNY Korea Fashion Institute of Technology programs for Fall 2021 Admission has formally been extended until June 30, 2021 (Korean Standard Time). The decision aims to provide the rising number of SUNY Korea FIT prospects with more time for preparation in consideration of the increased annual enrollment quota from 70 to 105 (Fashion Design 30 / Fashion Business Management 75) starting from the Fall 2021 entry term. For more details, please contact SUNY Korea Admissions. *Online application: http://www.sunykorea.ac.kr/page/apply *Inquiry: 82-32-626-10300 / admission@sunykorea.ac.kr / Kakao Channel (Search ID: suny-korea)
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