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more [Admission Event] Korea Overseas Study Association (KOSA) campus visit​
Hits : 899 Registration Date : 2021-05-26 Author : Administrator

On May 18th, a campus visit by the Korea Overseas Study Association (KOSA) was held. KOSA is the only overseas study industry association in Korea, and it was established in 1980. 12 members of the Board of Directors of KOSA visited the campus of SUNY Korea and had a fruitful time discussing the academic curriculum and cooperative strategies. Additionally, Professor Jung Jae-man of FIT gave a special speech to introduce the academic curriculum of FIT. After that, through a campus tour, the facilities where students study were shown to the Board of Directors, who were visiting SUNY Korea for the first time.

Kim Ki-dong, the Head of the KOSA Board members, said, “It was a great first step to many more discussions to come, and we are looking forward to it,” about the campus visit. This was the first official interaction between KOSA and SUNY Korea, so it was a great opportunity to discuss the future of SUNY Korea and the overseas study industry.

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