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SUNY Korea Signs an MOU Agreement with Uway Apply​
Hits : 907 Registration Date : 2021-05-24 Author : Administrator

SUNY Korea signed an MOU agreement with Uway Apply on May 20th, 2021.

WonKi Min, the president of SUNY Korea, declared, “We hope this agreement to be exemplary of the cooperation between Uway Apply and a university with great programs in its attempt for easier and quicker recruitment of capable students.

Sung Yoon-Seok, the CEO of Uway Apply, stated, “With this MOU, we will continue to communicate by utilizing each other’s strength and expertise to ultimately open up admission opportunities for many prospective students.” Meanwhile, Stony Brook University is recruiting freshmen and transfer students for the Fall 2021 semester until July 16th, while the Fashion Institute of Technology will recruit its freshmen students until June 30th.




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