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Application Deadline of SUNY Korea FIT Programs for Fall 2021 Extended​
Hits : 780 Registration Date : 2021-04-30 Author : Administrator

SUNY Korea Admissions announces that the application deadline of SUNY Korea Fashion Institute of Technology programs for Fall 2021 Admission has formally been extended until June 30, 2021 (Korean Standard Time). The decision aims to provide the rising number of SUNY Korea FIT prospects with more time for preparation in consideration of the increased annual enrollment quota from 70 to 105 (Fashion Design 30 / Fashion Business Management 75) starting from the Fall 2021 entry term. For more details, please contact SUNY Korea Admissions.


*Online application: http://www.sunykorea.ac.kr/page/apply


*Inquiry: 82-32-626-10300 / admission@sunykorea.ac.kr / Kakao Channel (Search ID: suny-korea)

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