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Designer Heesung Choi shares her Career Journey​
Hits : 948 Registration Date : 2021-04-15 Author : Administrator

“Sustainability is not a trend… it can be style, material… everything!” said Heesung Choi, the first guest speaker of SUNY Korea Spring 2021 Career Talk to You which was organized by Career Development Center (CDC).


Heesung Choi, the CEO and founder of Seven All Around, shared her inspiring career journey as a New York Designer with SUNY Korea students on Wednesday, April 14th. SUNY Korea students participated in the event in-person and also via zoom.


Seven All Around is a brand using sustainable and recycled materials to create comfortable and elegant fashion products that function 7 days a week. Ji Hye Park, an internationally recognized fashion designer, also visited and met our students.


During the event, designer and entrepreneur Heesung Choi talked about “sustainability in fashion” and encouraged SUNY Korea students to be curious at all times in the pursuit of their career.





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