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History Makers
SUNY Korea aired on SK Broadband BTV
SUNY Korea was introduced in a TV program called “Welcome to My Village” on SK Broadband BTV. FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology), in particular was mentioned as one of the top three fashion universities in the world. SUNY Korea students, Quinne Murakawa and Danielle Macmaster were interviewed during the program. Quinne, an FIT student, explained that “I chose to attend the Korean Campus because there would be more opportunities to meet people with different perspectives, while taking advantage of the exact same curriculum of FIT in New York.” Located in the international city, Songdo, the whole community of SUNY Korea is absolutely delighted to have our students from all over the globe. SUNY Korea will continually strive to help every student realize their full potential. *Due to copyright restrictions, the video is not visible to the public. SK users can watch the full show by visiting the following website or downloading the SK mobile B TV application. Trailer : https://www.facebook.com/skbroadbandbusan/videos/%EC%98%88%EA%B3%A0%EC%9B%B0%EC%BB%B4%ED%88%AC-%EB%A7%88%EC%9D%B4%EC%B4%8C-4%ED%9A%8C/341786827188927/?__so__=permalink&__rv__=related_videos “Welcome to My Village” YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCReENaX7jbFVGMu5fuv92rQ
Hits 862
All Campus Facilities Re-opening and Certain classes will be back to i…
All Campus Facilities Re-opening and Certain classes will be back to in-person Dear Students and Faculty, From Monday on March 15th, All SUNY Korea facilities including SUNY Korea library, computer labs, student lounges, graduate research labs, and FIT labs will be reopened. The following classes will go back to the in-person class mode from Monday on March 15th. [SK-SBU] - MEC 101 Freshman Design - MEC 317 Thermal Fluids Lab - MEC 440 Senior Design [SK-FIT] - FD 227: Design Studio IV - FD 244: Design Development - FD 127: Design Studio II - FD 134: Materials and construction II As always, take precautionary measures such as wearing a face mask, washing your hands often, keeping social distance, and seek medical assistance if you have COVID-19 related symptoms. Should you have any questions regarding symptoms, please call 1339. If you have any further questions, please contact Academic Affairs, 032-626-1121 (SBU), or 032-626-1123 (FIT).
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All Campus Facilities Closed and All Classes will be Online
Dear Students and Faculty, We have just received confirmation that there are now a total of three confirmed cases on campus from another university in IGC (1 yesterday and 2 today). As the number of cases is increasing, we strongly recommend that you limit on-campus movement, minimize social interaction, and stay in your residence as much as possible if you are living on campus. IGCF is currently working with the local health center regarding the investigation, contact tracing, and disinfection. We will keep you updated if we receive more details. From this afternoon on March 9th, all in-person lab classes will be held online until further notice from the university. In addition, all SUNY Korea facilities including SUNY Korea library, computer labs, student lounges, and FIT labs will be closed until further notice from the university. As always, take precautionary measures such as wearing a face mask, washing your hands often, keeping social distance, and seek medical assistance if you have COVID-19 related symptoms. Should you have any questions regarding symptoms, please call 1339. If you have any further questions, please contact Academic Affairs, 032-626-1121 (SBU), or 032-626-1123 (FIT). Thank you and stay safe! Best regards, Academic Affairs
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AI is transforming the Fashion Industry
AI (Artificial Intelligence) has immersed itself into the fashion industry field. SUNY Korea FIT Professor Koo Bonkuk has an opinion about the AI technologies used in the abruptly changing fashion industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Professor Koo introduces the function, “Tagger”, by the company OMNIOUS, which automatically classifies the information of the outfits and jewelry shown on e-commerce, fashion shows, and SNS. To find out more about AI in the fashion industry, check out professor Koo's article: http://www.senmoney.co.kr/news/articleView.html?
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SUNY Korea Information Session for the Counselor Committee of IMOE
On February 25, 2021, SUNY Korea Admissions held an information session at SUNY Korea in the IGC campus in Songdo International City. It was geared at about 220 career-counseling teachers in middle and high schools who are members of the career support committee, 'Priming Water‘, a part of the Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education (IMOE). The event inaugurated the appointment ceremony of ‘Priming Water’ 2021, and was attended by 130 out of 220 career-counseling teachers selected from 125 middle and high schools in Incheon, including Bakmun Incheon International High School, Incheon Academy of Science and Arts, Incheon Jinsan Science High School, and Jemulpo High School. Through this event, SUNY Korea reinforced its cooperative relationship with the Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education, and informed the teachers of the mission and values of SUNY Korea. Oh Sejong, event host and a supervisor at the Department of Secondary Education at IMOE, said, "The excellence of SUNY Korea became well known by this event to the schools in Incheon, and it is also expected that more students will apply to SUNY Korea through future college fairs/information sessions". This event complied with the guidelines for preventing COVID 19 by measuring body temperatures, enforcing mask-wearing, distributing masks, and encouraging the use of hand sanitizers, all under the supervision of the official from Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education.
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SUNY Korea Introduction Video on Uway YouTube Channel
An introduction video of SUNY Korea (separated into two parts) has been uploaded on Uway YouTube Channel. Detailed information which includes main majors at SUNY Korea, employment after graduation and admissions process is provided for all those interested in applying. Check out the details in the links below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kja3kvYYGY0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWA5AYTt7SU
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SUNY Korea Welcomes Spring 2021 New Students
SUNY Korea is thrilled to meet our new students in the upcoming semester. The Admissions Team has prepared the Welcome Package for all of your delightful first steps at SUNY Korea. Also, the whole community at the campus is strictly abiding by the quarantine rules to keep all our students, staff and faculty safe from the coronavirus. For effective quarantine measures, SUNY Korea is offering the following support for our students during their quarantine period. Regular Zoom meetings, optional counseling sessions, materials to reflect on, and a list of online activities are provided for the students to have peace of mind during the quarantine period. We are looking forward to meeting every single one of you here at SUNY Korea, as you join our journey of becoming History Makers!
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Class format in Spring 2021
Dear Students and Faculty, I hope you are all enjoying the break. In December last year we announced our plan for Spring classes as you can see in the email I am including below for your reference. As of today it looks like we will start with all of our classes online for the current social distancing level at 2.5. We plan to follow the plan announced then, but would like to reassess the situation toward the end of March, 2021 to decide whether to continue with the plan beyond April 2, 2021. Academic Affairs will follow up with class-specific information soon and Student Affairs will follow up with housing-related information once it is confirmed by the IGC Foundation. Please stay safe and healthy and enjoy the rest of the break! We look forward to seeing you all soon. Sincerely, Arthur Lee
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Spring 2021 Application Deadline Extended
SUNY Korea Admissions has extended the Spring 2021 Application Deadline to February 14, 2021 (KST). This is to better serve the SUNY Korea aspirants facing challenges caused by COVID-19. Applications will be reviewed on a space-available basis; therefore, we encourage you to submit your applications as soon as possible. - Email: admission@sunykorea.ac.kr - Phone: +82-32-626-1030 - Apply online: http://www.sunykorea.ac.kr/page/apply Related article: http://www.kmaeil.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=265038
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SUNY Korea is introduced in Introduction to IFEZ YouTube Video
SUNY Korea was introduced as the first American University established in Songdo in 2012 in [360 VR] Introduction to IFEZ (Incheon Free Economic Zone) YouTube video. Along with the other IGC universities, SUNY Korea is promoted as a global university that gives students the opportunity to take courses in Korea and abroad. To watch the video, please refer to the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M_obs4J1kI&feature=share
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SUNY Korea FIT was aired on KBS “DocuOn”
SUNY Korea Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) was introduced in the KBS documentary program called “DocuOn” <Kris’s New Normal Journey: Foreigners’ Life in the COVID-19 Era>. FIT students in the two special locations of SUNY Korea, the Museum of Modern Costume and MSC, were brought to the screen. It was a great opportunity for SUNY Korea as it is promoted as a global education hub to the public. To watch the documentary, please refer to the link below: http://vod.kbs.co.kr/index.html?source=episode&sname=vod&stype=vod&program_code=T2020-0388&program_id=PS-2020218102-01-000&broadcast_complete_yn=N&local_station_code=00§ion_code=05§ion_sub_code=08
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SUNY Korea Research & Business Foundation made an MOU agreement
SUNY Korea Research & Business Foundation and the Industry-Academic Cooperation of Incheon Catholic University made an MOU agreement. SUNY Korea Vice President, Min Koo Han and the head of the Industry- Academic Cooperation Foundation of Incheon Catholic university, Hyoung Chan, Kim participated in the MOU signing ceremony on January 26. Min Koo Han, the Vice President of SUNY Korea mentioned, “As a closely located university, Incheon Catholic University has strength in art and culture. It would be a great opportunity for SBU and FIT of SUNY Korea to cooperate with Incheon Catholic University and think of ways to contribute to the development of Incheon city.” Hyoung Chan Kim, the Dean of General Affairs at Incheon Catholic University, said, “I hope this agreement will be helpful in the mutual development of each university, cooperation in the field of culture, art and design, and promoting the local community-related businesses.
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