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History Makers
SUNY Korea signed an MOU agreement with CMIS Canada
SUNY Korea signed an MOU agreement with CMIS Canada on Monday January 25, 2021. On the day of the agreement, SUNY Korea delegates (President Wonki Min, Dean Johng-Ihl Lee) and CMIS Canada (Chief Director Byunghwan Jang, and Director Daewook Noh) participated in the ceremony. CMIS Canada is the first school that is fully accredited by the Ministry of Education, Manitoba Canada. International students and Korean students from early years to high school are educated according to the Manitoba education curriculum. Upon graduation, all students are granted a diploma with the same qualifications as the students in Canada. SUNY Korea and CMIS Canada both share the goal of raising students who engage in global concerns by providing high quality education in Korea with the same curriculums of American and Canadian schools, respectively. Upon signing the agreement, SUNY Korea and CMIS Canada will establish a cooperative system to promote student achievement and educational development of IFEZ. Exchange of academic information, recommendation of students for SUNY Korea admissions and discount on CMIS Canada tuition fee for the children of SUNY Korea faculty and staff are the agreed principles of the MOU.
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CO;Ders received the Minister Prize from the Ministry of Education
CO;Ders, a student club at SUNY Korea, has been elected as an Outstanding Educational Volunteering Club by the Ministry of Education and KOFAC (Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity). In acknowledgement of the coding programs which students voluntarily offered at various elementary, middle and high schools in Songdo, CO;Ders received a medal, and a certificate from the Minister of Education. The name “CO;Ders” is the combination of “code” with “ers (people doing something).” As a coding club that welcomes anyone who is interested in coding, the biggest goal of CO;Ders is to help more students know how easy and fun coding is. *If you have any questions, please send an email to CO;Ders at codersus@codersus.com
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Sustainable Fashion is Brought to Light in Uniforms
SUNY Korea FIT Professor Koo Bonkuk is collaborating with various companies to come up with sustainable fashion, suitable for the near future. He is currently the fashion consultant of OMNIOUS, a company which analyzes fashion trends with deep learning (AI) technology. Professor Koo recently participated as the designer for the Shinsegae Chosun Hotel uniform project and utilized 3D design programs in the uniform making process. Unlike previous designing methods, 3D design programs reduce waste of time and resources in making clothes. Related article: http://www.fashionbiz.co.kr/PE/?cate=2&recom=2&idx=182237 *Please refer to the links below to read professor Koo's interviews: http://www.weeklytoday.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=317712 http://www.weeklytoday.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=318550 *Related Articles: http://www.senmoney.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=3347 https://www.newsbrite.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=146825 *Article about fashion during COVID-19 era: http://www.senmoney.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=3349
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Designer Lee Seo Jung Redesigns the Past in a Current Context
Alumni of Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) and adjunct professor of SUNY Korea FIT, Lee Seo Jung participated as one of the designers in the Digital Runway ‘Hanbok Wave.’ The digital show was hosted by the Ministry of Culture and co-organized by the Hanbok Advancement Center to promote Korean culture. Three Students of SUNY Korea also participated as interns and staffs for the event. Lee Seo Jung is currently the CEO of the creative design house C-ZANN E that believes fashion comes from those who wear it. Inspired by the traditional Korean clothing Hanbok, designer Lee Seo Jung tries to find the right balance between the past and the modern world while creating aesthetic values. Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeUSUce1-bg
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We would like to extend our invitation to you for the SUNY Korea Virtual Preview Week Spring 2021. You will be able to learn about the Stony Brook University and FIT Programs at SUNY Korea, including but not limited to academic excellence/curriculum, study areas, career prospects, and many other values and privileges that you could enjoy by joining us. We will also provide a chance to have conversations with faculty, current students, and department counselors to talk about what your college life would be like on our campus. *Registration Link: https://apply.sunykorea.ac.kr/portal/admissions_events *Inquiry: admission@sunykorea.ac.kr | +82 (0)32 626 1030
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Spring 2021 Recruitment
Spring 2021 Recruitment
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SUNY Korea Rings in First Semester
Zimpher Lauds Stony Brook-South Korea Project as ‘Model for Higher Education’ Worldwide The newly opened SUNY Korea is the first American university with a physical presence within the Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) and a US delegation led by SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher, SUNY Vice Chancellor Mitch Leventhal and Dennis N. Assanis, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at SUNY Stony Brook, were on hand to welcome the historic inaugural class. The opening ceremony, held in Incheon on March 19, was greeted with tremendous enthusiasm from South Korean officials and local community members, as well as the Korean national and local press. SUNY’s partnership with Songdo Global University in South Korea “serves as a model for higher education around the world," said Zimpher. "Today's ceremony is the culmination of outstanding work by excellent faculty and staff at Stony Brook and Songdo. Together, we will create boundless new opportunities for cutting-edge research, business endeavors, and government affairs between our two nations," she said. SUNY Korea currently offers master’s programs in technology and computer science, although an expansion of degree curricula is planned. The first class of SUNY Korea, a total of 34 Stony Brook students – all residents of Korea -- began classes in March. The SUNY Board of Trustees authorized the development and implementation of educational programs and research collaborations in the IFEZ in a 2009 resolution. SUNY Korea was subsequently funded by the South Korean government through its Ministry of Knowledge Economy, the Incheon Free Economic Zone, and the Metropolitan City of Incheon. While attendees at the ceremony spoke of the wider implications of the SUNY Korea partnership and the potential for cross-national learning, Stony Brook Provost Assanis directly addressed the importance of the collaboration to his school. “Stony Brook University will benefit from this partnership because it places the University on a world stage, and further builds upon our reputation as an ‘internationally’ renowned institution of higher learning,” added Assanis. “This joint venture strategically positions us to develop cutting-edge research that will contribute new knowledge and new technologies to our global community. With its educational mission and the leadership that we have put in place, SUNY Korea is destined to grow and prosper.” From SUNY Global Newsletter Spring 2012: https://system.suny.edu/global/news/
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