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History Makers​

#18 Interview with JiHyun Baek, a ME Graduate Who Went to Meta​
Hits : 1159 Registration Date : 2022-11-17 Author : Administrator


JiHyun Baek is a SUNY Korea alumni, who achieved a bachelor and master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. She achieved her Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering in December 2019 at SUNY Korea and her Master of Science degree in May 2021 at Stony Brook University, New York. 

SUNY Korea is a place where you can study in two different campuses that allows more social interaction and provides an experience of a variety of cultures. 

Here is the interview of JiHyun Baek.


Why did you choose SUNY Korea?

I graduated from high school in Korea and transferred to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the State University of New York, Korea. I came to know the State University of New York in Korea when I had a lot of concerns about how the subjects I was learning could be applied to the industry rather than just theory. I was attracted to the school environment and accreditation program that values individual diversity and inclusion. While learning major subjects such as design, dynamics, and mechanics, most of the classes were realistic and required creativity and thinking skills, rather than simple calculations and memorization. I found the answer to how the knowledge learned in the classroom is applied to society and what can be done with what I have learned. I was convinced that this education would be the foundation for becoming the engineer I want to be. 

What is your current role at Meta?

I currently work on failure analysis of VR/AR devices at Meta (aka Facebook). The reason why I applied for this job at Meta was because I could apply the sciences, mechanics, and mechanical design I learned from school, and take one step closer to my dream of becoming a hardware designer.

Why did you choose a job abroad? 

I did not want to lose the opportunity to work abroad. As I was preparing for a job in the United States, regardless of field, company, or job, if it was related to my major, I tried my best in every part of the process when applying for the job. I went to job search sites in the US, LinkedIn, and the sites of the companies I wanted, looked for job postings, and kept knocking on doors. Then a recruiter saw my profile on LinkedIn, and the current company contacted me first. It was an amazing moment.

What programs in SUNY helped you get a job?

I took part in school activities such as the student council, clubs, and research projects as much as possible. Through the student council and club activities, I learned various content besides leadership and major studies, and I was able to broaden my academic knowledge through research activities. In particular, the research projects were very helpful in preparing for employment as they were like programs handled by actual companies or projects carried out by the company.

What advice do you give to students preparing for college? 

You should think about after graduation, not the name of the university. I want you to think about ‘how what I learn at university will be used in society and how I can apply what I learn to work’, set future goals, and choose a university and major accordingly.

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