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Prof. Sunghyun Sean Lee had an interview with M-Economy News​
Hits : 1030 Registration Date : 2022-01-26 Author : Administrator

How to prepare to get a job in a Global Company-Based on the case in SUNY Korea


Recently, Korean global companies are gradually increasing, and the companies’ globalization is accelerating.


Korea's five largest groups such as Samsung, LG, SK,  Hanwha, Naver, and Kakao, these big tech and bio companies are expanding into global companies. It is time to look back on whether Korean universities, which have changed their status as global companies, are still thinking of Korean enterprises as local companies and are providing easy job guidance to students.


SUNY Korea is a school that has the strength in finding  a job in global companies. Professor Sunghyun Sean Lee, the Team Leader of the SUNY Korea's Career Development Team, talked about what needs to be done to prepare for a job in a global company.


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