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[ETNews] The Emergence of the Digital Economy​
Hits : 705 Registration Date : 2021-01-07 Author : Administrator

President Min’s new article will be posted weekly on ETNews in the “Wonki Min’s Digital Economy” section. This week’s article is about “The Emergence of the Digital Economy,” which deals with the abruptly changing economic patterns in the era of COVID-19.


Please find the link below to read the original article.




1) Click here to read the article about "The Emergence of the Digital Economy"


2) Click here to read the article about Digital Economy and the Governments Role


3) Click here to read the article about "Big Data, the driving force of Digital Economy"


4) Click here to read the article about "The Success of Digital Economy depends on Talented Individuals"


5) Click here to read the article about "Justice and Innovation"


6) Click here to read the article about"The Importance of the Advancement in Digital Network"


7) Click here to read the article about Digital Economy and Employment


8Click here to read the article about "The Advance of Digital China"


9) Click here to read the article about “The meaning of Postal Services in Digital Era”


10Click here to read the article about "Companies and Digital Transformation"


11Click here to read the article about "The Good and Bad of Social Media"


12Click here to read the article about "Seoul, Busan and Smart Cities"


13Click here to read the article about "Protection of Privacy Information and Digital Security"


14Click here to read the article about "Artificial Intelligence and Our Lives"


15) Click here to read the article about Expectations for the Newly Appointed Minister and Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Science and ICT”


16) Click here to read the article about "The meaning and importance of the EU's Artificial Intelligence Regulation Plan"


17) Click here to read the article about "Platform companies and 'winner takes all' strategy"


18) Click here to read the article about "The Future of Digital Money and Finance"


19) Click here to read the article about "The Evolution of hacking and government response"


20) Click here to read the article about "Low-orbital communications satellite and future communications"


21) Click here to read article about "Digital economy and 'stakeholder capitalism'"


22) Click here to read article about "Apple and Tesla"


23) Click here to read article about "Digital Nationalism"


24) Click here to read article about "The weight of Digital Traces"


25) Click here to read article about "Quantum Technology: Game changer of the future"


26) Click here to read article about "The Governance of Artificial Intelligence"


27) Click here to read article about "Let's make the best start-up country in the world"


28) Click here to read article about "eXtended Reality XR: The connection between the real world and the virtual world"


29) Click here to read article about "Tokyo Olympics: Sports and digital technology"

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