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Bill Hwang Library Naming Ceremony​
Hits : 1981 Registration Date : 2018-03-14 Author : Administrator

On February 8, SUNY Korea (President ChoonHo Kim) celebrated its new opening ceremony of Bill Hwang Library, in honor of Mr. Bill Hwang, the co-founder of Grace & Mercy Foundation and CEO of Archegos Capital Management. 

Mr. Bill Hwang, the CEO of Archegos Capital Management, has been supporting and donating SUNY Korea for the past few years. 

Furthermore, Mr. Hwang has been inviting all the SUNY Korea students, who are studying at Stony Brook home campus in NY for one year, to the office of Archegos Capital Management and gave special lectures as a mentor. 

Also, he donated scholarships for SUNY Korea students from developing countries to help to raise future global leaders. To acknowledge and honor his donations, partnerships, and contributions, SUNY Korea designated its library as "Bill Hwang Library." 

(Continued in the posted link)


Source: Kyeongin Ilbo Feb 9, 2018

Link: http://www.kyeongin.com/main/view.php?key=20180208010002859

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