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Girls in ICT 2020 Hackathon- Best Award​
Hits : 820 Registration Date : 2021-01-08 Author : Administrator

Three students from SUNY Korea in one team, Ms; Earth (Yooha Bae, Yeeun Sohn, and Jeongmin Yoo), won the final award in the online contest, “Girls in ICT 2020 Hackathon.” The contest was hosted by ERICSSON LG to encourage talented girls to develop their skills and become leaders in the ICT field. Each team gave presentations on how ICT can help solve problems caused by global climate change. As the final winners, the students received the prize money and internship opportunities during vacation. Congratulations on your achievement! 







Related Article: http://www.datanet.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=152743




Girls in ICT 2020 Hakathon: https://www.onoffmix.com/event/223364

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