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[Student Reporter] Innovative Ideas Shine at SUNY Korea's Fall 2024 ME Final Project Showcase​
Hits : 854 Registration Date : 2024-12-10 Author : Administrator


On Thursday, December 5, 2024, SUNY Korea hosted its annual Mechanical Engineering Final Project Showcase from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Doosan Dream Makerspace (IGC Building B1093). The event provided students with an opportunity to present their innovative projects to peers, faculty, and visitors. Projects ranged from AI-based pothole detection systems to student-manufactured items and even casino slot machine prototypes which reflected the creativity and engineering skills of participants. 

The showcase featured three main sections: MEC 440/441 project presentations, MEC 325 project showcases, and MEC 101 presentations. Dr. Hamid Hefazi delivered the opening remarks, setting the start for an engaging and insightful event. Closing remarks concluded the showcase at 6:00 PM, celebrating the students’ hard work and achievements. 

Claire, a senior participant, shared her reflections on the experience: “The senior design project was a challenging but rewarding experience. Over the course of a year, my team and I worked through countless iterations, using tools like CAD and FEA simulations to design, prototype, and refine our idea. Our journey wasn’t always smooth—there were plenty of late nights troubleshooting and rethinking our approach—but those moments taught me the value of teamwork and adaptability. Presenting our project at the ME final showcase was a proud moment. It felt amazing to share what we had worked so hard on with peers, professors, and our advisor. Seeing everything come together made all the effort worth it and reinforced my passion for hands-on engineering and problem-solving.”

The event not only highlighted the students’ technical knowledge and problem-solving skills, but also demonstrated their creativity skills and teamwork. As the event came to a close, the showcase served as an important reminder for students to address real world challenges and inspire a passion for their engineering interests. 

Written by Student Reporter, Yeongeun Ahn


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