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All Campus Facilities Re-opening and Certain classes will be back to i…​
Hits : 776 Registration Date : 2021-03-12 Author : Administrator

All Campus Facilities Re-opening and Certain classes will be back to in-person




Dear Students and Faculty, 




From Monday on March 15th, All SUNY Korea facilities including SUNY Korea library, computer labs, student lounges, graduate research labs, and FIT labs will be reopened. 




The following classes will go back to the in-person class mode from Monday on March 15th.








  - MEC 101 Freshman Design


  - MEC 317 Thermal Fluids Lab


  - MEC 440 Senior Design












 - FD 227: Design Studio IV


 - FD 244: Design Development


 - FD 127: Design Studio II


 - FD 134: Materials and construction II








As always, take precautionary measures such as wearing a face mask, washing your hands often, keeping social distance, and seek medical assistance if you have COVID-19 related symptoms. 


Should you have any questions regarding symptoms, please call 1339.





If you have any further questions, please contact Academic Affairs, 032-626-1121 (SBU), or 032-626-1123 (FIT). 





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