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SUNY Korea Information Session for the Counselor Committee of IMOE​
Hits : 789 Registration Date : 2021-03-04 Author : Administrator

On February 25, 2021, SUNY Korea Admissions held an information session at SUNY Korea in the IGC campus in Songdo International City. It was geared at about 220 career-counseling teachers in middle and high schools who are members of the career support committee, 'Priming Water‘, a part of the Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education (IMOE).





The event inaugurated the appointment ceremony of ‘Priming Water’ 2021, and was attended by 130 out of 220 career-counseling teachers selected from 125 middle and high schools in Incheon, including Bakmun Incheon International High School, Incheon Academy of Science and Arts, Incheon Jinsan Science High School, and Jemulpo High School.





Through this event, SUNY Korea reinforced its cooperative relationship with the Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education, and informed the teachers of the mission and values of SUNY Korea.





Oh Sejong, event host and a supervisor at the Department of Secondary Education at IMOE, said, "The excellence of SUNY Korea became well known by this event to the schools in Incheon, and it is also expected that more students will apply to SUNY Korea through future college fairs/information sessions".






This event complied with the guidelines for preventing COVID 19 by measuring body temperatures, enforcing mask-wearing, distributing masks, and encouraging the use of hand sanitizers, all under the supervision of the official from Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education.





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