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Designer Lee Seo Jung Redesigns the Past in a Current Context​
Hits : 766 Registration Date : 2021-01-06 Author : Administrator

Alumni of Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) and adjunct professor of SUNY Korea FIT, Lee Seo Jung participated as one of the designers in the Digital Runway ‘Hanbok Wave.’ The digital show was hosted by the Ministry of Culture and co-organized by the Hanbok Advancement Center to promote Korean culture. Three Students of SUNY Korea also participated as interns and staffs for the event.


Lee Seo Jung is currently the CEO of the creative design house C-ZANN E that believes fashion comes from those who wear it. Inspired by the traditional Korean clothing Hanbok, designer Lee Seo Jung tries to find the right balance between the past and the modern world while creating aesthetic values.


Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeUSUce1-bg

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