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FIT Professor Linda Kim’s Work Displayed on Exhibition​
Hits : 839 Registration Date : 2021-07-22 Author : Administrator

“Flower Warrior of Camillia Island”, FIT Professor Linda Kim’s fashion work, will be displayed in the 2021 International Fashion Art Exhibition in Jeju, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture.



A total number of 81 fashion designers from 8 countries, and 8 potters, are participating in this exhibition, which takes place on the 1st floor of the Obaekjanggun Gallery of Jeju Stone Park.  (2021.07.15 – 2021.08.15)

The theme of the exhibition covers “Local- Rising Jeju,” which deals with the sub- themes: earth, myth, and heritage.



*Online Exhibition:

YouTube: Click here

Instagram: Click here



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