Each TSM student is required to have a specialization. A specialization is a cluster of seven related courses, totaling at least 21 credits, with at least three courses, totaling at least nine credits, at the 300 or 400 levels.
Currently, students have the option of three (3) specializations:
Digital Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are helping to revolutionize human lives. As part of this process, they have changed development patterns in countries and regions around the world. This specialization is intended to expose students to necessary concepts and skills to participate in ICT4D. Students will learn to apply technical aspects of ICTs as well as international development, culture, and sustainability.
Required courses (9 credits)
EST 230 Information and Communications Technology for Sustainable Development
CSE 114 Introduction to Objective-Oriented Programming
EST 205 Introduction to Technological Design: Innovation and Design Thinking
Four more courses (12 credits), with at least one from each of the below three categories:
At least three must be 300 or above level courses