본문 바로가기 사이드메뉴 바로가기 대메뉴 바로가기

Technology and Society

Mathematics & Natural Science

Other Required Courses for TS


OR the following calculus courses may be substituted

‍MAT 125MAT 126MAT 127, MAT 131MAT 132, MAT 141MAT 142, MAT 171

Natural Science

‍‍PHY 131PHY 132PHY 134, Classical Physics I, II, and labs

OR the following physics courses may be substituted

OR one of the following natural science courses can be substituted

  • BIO 201 The Living World AND BIO 204 Fundamentals of Biology: Organisms to Ecosystems
  • CHE 131132133 General Chemistry I, II, and lab OR CHE 141142143 General Chemistry I, II Honors, and lab
  • GEO 102112 The Earth/Physical Geology Lab AND one of the following:
    • GEO 304 Energy, Mineral Resources, and the Environment
    • GEO 311 Geoscience and Global Concerns
  • BIO 201 Principles of Biology: Organisms to Ecosystems AND one of the following: