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Technology and Society

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Saebom Jin

Writer Department of Technology and Society Date Created 2024.05.27 Hits345

Saebom Jin is a Ph.D. candidate in Technology, Policy and Innovation (TPI) Program in Stony Brook University (SUNY Korea). Prior to joining the Ph.D. program, she worked for the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in Korea as a network manager. She is interested in climate change adaptation for resilient and sustainable cities and is skilled in using big data analytics. She holds M.S. degree in international development studies from Hankuk University of Foreign Language, and bachelor’s degree on Indian studies and Economics from the same institute in Seoul. She is currently delivering lectures on ICT for sustainable development (EST 230), natural disasters and their societal impacts (EST 330), and research methods (EST 440 - Summer) for undergraduate students in SUNY Korea.

1) Doctoral Thesis Topic

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: How Vulnerable Cities Can Develop Smart and Sustainable with Adaptation Planning

2) Part A Topic

Empirical Evidence of Urban Climate Adaptation Alignment with Sustainable Development: Application of Topic Modeling

3) Contact Information

- Email: saebom.jin@stonybrook.edu