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Technology and Society


Professor Neal Dreamson named a Top Scholar (0.5%) by ScholarGPS

AuthorDepartment of Technology and Society REG_DATE2024.08.09 Hits258

DTS Prof. Neal Dreamson’s strong publication record, the impact of his work, and the notable quality of his scholarly contributions have placed him in the top 0.5% of all scholars worldwide.

He has been awarded Top Scholar status based on his accomplishments over the totality of his career (lifetime) and/or over the prior five years:

Top Scholar - Prior 5 Years
#32 Digital electronics (Educational Technology)
#73 Pedagogy

ScholarGPS (https://scholargps.com) provides rankings of individuals and institutions Overall (in all Fields), in 14 broad Fields (such as Medicine, Engineering, or Humanities), in 177 Disciplines (such as Surgery, Computer Science, or History), and in over 350,000 Specialties (such as Cancer, Artificial Intelligence, or Ethics).

Thanks to Prof. Dreamson’s achievement, SUNY Korea has been listed to the ScholarGPS website first time.